Aprendiendo a resumiR

Necesito asumir que la vida es puro cambio. Deshacerme de ese miedo paralizante a las pérdidas. Vivir al ritmo de mi vida. Soltar lastre y colocar el pasado en su lugar. Si lo logro, habré crecido.

Mi foto
Lugar: Madrid, Spain

sábado, septiembre 16, 2006


triángulos donde las líneas no se cierran.....
I would tell you about the things
They put me through
The pain I've been subjected to
But the Lord himself would blush

... el demonio vuelve.. no, nunca se fué.... y el miedo.... ese pavor.....
The countless feasts laid at my feet
Forbidden fruits for me to eat
But I think your pulse would start to rush

Now I'm not looking for absolution
dormir.... dormir....dormir....
Forgiveness for the things I do
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
si pudiera enteder....
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes

Morality would frown upon
Decency look down upon

The scapegoat fate's made of me
But I promise now, my judge and jurors
Hola, ¿te he despertado?, dime... ¿que razones le ves tú a la vida?
My intentions couldn't have been purer
My case is easy to see

I'm not looking for a clearer conscience
Peace of mind after what I've been through
And before we talk of any repentance
Try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
entender, si pudiera.... si consiguiera aceptar....
If you try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes
dormir... dormir.... dor... No hay nada fuera, soy yo...
Now I'm not looking for absolution
Forgiveness for the things I do
soy yo, soy yo.....
But before you come to any conclusions
Try walking in my shoes
siempre soy yo....
Try walking in my shoes

You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
"Animo bajo, fluctuante, sin identificar claras motivaciones externas"
You'll stumble in my footsteps
Keep the same appointments I kept
If you try walking in my shoes
"Marcada labilidad afectiva"
Try walking in my shoes
If you try walking in my shoes
Try walking in my shoes

Felicidades por marcar ese teléfono, aquel dia de aquel año… Afronta tus miedos y tus errores